Uninsured Motorist Coverage: Help for Hit-and-Run Victims in Texas


Hit-and-run accidents are very serious. They can lead to lasting injuries or even be deadly. On top of that, drivers who cause accidents and leave the scene can put you in a precarious situation with your own insurance company.

The good news is that even if you’ve experienced a hit-and-run, you have options when it comes to paying your medical bills and repair expenses. Our firm has some tips for you if you find yourself in a hit-and-run car accident in Texas.

Does Insurance Cover Hit-and-Run Accidents in Texas?

When it comes to hit-and-run accidents, the type of coverage that you bought depends on how much your insurance will cover or if it will cover anything, if at all. In Texas, the law states that you must carry liability insurance, but that doesn’t cover all damages in an accident and only pays for damage to the other person or vehicle. There are a few types of insurance that can help if you find yourself in an accident where the other motorist can’t or won’t pay for the damage they caused:

  • Collision coverage can pay for your car damage.
  • Uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage will pay for bodily injury that you or your passengers of yours sustain in an accident by a motorist who is underinsured, uninsured, or drives away from the scene.
  • Personal injury protection can pay for medical bills and is a staple of insurance policies, but if you’ve opted out of this option, you leave yourself open to risk.
  • Medical pay can help you with medical bills after the accident.

Texas law doesn’t require uninsured motorist coverage or these other policies, but they are offered by every carrier and can be a benefit if you find yourself in an accident where the other party flees the scene.

What Are the Differences Between Uninsured and Underinsured Motorists?

The differences between uninsured and underinsured motorists are distinct:

  • Uninsured motorists have no insurance and, therefore, will be unlikely to be able to pay for any damages or medical bills from the accident they caused.
  • Underinsured motorists have car insurance, but not enough that a payout will cover your medical bills or damages.

When you buy underinsured or uninsured motorist coverage in Texas, you’re protecting yourself from drivers who don’t share their insurance information with you. Although it’s a little more expensive than the minimum insurance coverage allowed by Texas state law, paying a little more for extra coverage in the present might save you a lot of money in the future.

What Do I Do if I’m Hit by an Uninsured Motorist in Texas?

Even though it’s the law to stop if you’ve caused or been part of an accident, drivers may still drive away. They may panic, they might be worried because they don’t carry car insurance, or they might not even realize they caused an accident. Whatever the reason, there are steps you can take in Texas after a hit-and-run.

  • First, make sure that you and your passengers are safe.
  • Call 911. You’ll want the police there to make a statement; this will go on record and can help your case with your insurance company. You may be able to ask for any traffic camera footage if it’s available.
  • If you’re able, talk with witnesses and bystanders who saw the accident. Exchange information with them, and ask for photos or videos they took.
  • Document everything that you remember.
  • Seek medical attention. Not only will this help you recover quickly, the documentation will help your case.
  • Reach out to the Texas hit-and-run attorneys at Pastrana & García Injury Law.

When you’re involved in a hit-and-run, you might be worried about money. Don’t be intimidated by the potential cost of a lawyer. Our consultation with you is free, and we can set you on a more secure path to retrieving the financial compensation that you’re owed. We also don’t charge you anything until we win your case. Speaking with our team can be a good investment for your case.

Contact the Car Accident Attorneys at Pastrana & García Injury Law

A hit-and-run accident can be a complex event to navigate. You want lawyers who understand Texas hit-and-run laws. Call Pastrana & García Injury Law or reach out to us with our online form so we can help you get started on the road to recovery after your hit-and-run accident.

If you are injured in an accident in Austin, do not hesitate to contact Pastrana & García Law Firm.

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