What You Should Know About Drunk Drivers In Texas


Have you suffered an injury as a result of a drunk driver’s negligence? Negligence is a legal term that generally refers to the breach of a duty of ordinary care to others which results in an injury. If a drunk driver has harmed you or a loved one, there is plenty you should be aware of in regard to Texas drunk driving laws. First of all, it is no secret Texas has some of the deadliest highways in America. Many of these fatalities result from drunk driving. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (“NHTSA”), Texas leads the nation in driving fatalities relate to alcohol. The following statistic is quite telling: A Texas driver, vehicle occupant, pedestrian or bicyclist is injured or killed in an auto accident involving alcohol every 20 minutes. In 2016, more than 900 people in Texas perished as a result of DWI incidents. Whether the drunk driver will be prosecuted in criminal court or not, it is the realm of the County or District Attorney’s office. The prosecutors typically will try to obtain restitution damages for the victims of these awful incidents in addition to punishing the drunk driver. However, you may have remedy in civil court as well. Keep reading so we can tell you more about that.

If you or a loved one are harmed by a drunk driver, you need a savvy personal injury lawyer in your corner to emerge with a fair and just result. Pastrana & Garcia Law Firm’s experienced personal injury attorneys are here to guide you every step of the way.

Texas Drunk Driving Laws

The state of Texas permits those who are injured by a drunk driver to recover punitive damages from the drunk driver. This is also the case for those who lose a loved one to a drunk driving accident. Punitive damages are meant to punish the careless driver for his or her conduct. Furthermore, state law allows for the recovery of current and future medical costs related to the drunk driving accident, pain, lost wages, funeral costs, loss of enjoyment of life and even expenses related to counseling. However, the feasibility of actually recovering those damages even though the law allows for recovery, needs to be discussed with an experienced personal injury lawyer.

Texas Dram Shop Liability Laws

Texas also has a body of dram shop liability law. This set of laws empowers victims to pursue a lawsuit against a restaurant, bar, nightclub, liquor store or other business that continued to sell alcohol to the driver in question despite the driver’s visible intoxication. Such businesses can be held responsible for wrongful death and injuries the drunk driver causes if they allowed this situation to occur. It is clear the state of Texas has opened the door for victims of drunk driving accidents to obtain compensation. However, many times the establishment may not be covered by an insurance policy or it may not have assets to compensate the victims. If you or a loved one has been injured due to a drunk driver, it is time to ally with a personal injury attorney. Call Pastrana & Garcia Law now at 512-474-4487.

How a Pastrana & Garcia Law Firm Can Help

Pastrana & Garcia Law can help you obtain compensation following this unfortunate incident. In the aftermath of a drunk driving accident, your focus should be squarely on rebuilding your health and returning to work. Let your attorney gather evidence, file legal documents, interact with the insurance provider and zealously advocate for your interests in and out of a court of law. Your personal injury attorney will do all the work while you try to return your life to a semblance of normalcy. This is the in-depth legal assistance you need to rest easy, recuperate your body and ultimately receive the compensation you deserve. At Pastrana & Garcia Law Firm, we care deeply about our clients and understand the needs that arise after a drunk driving event. We want to fight for you while you get back on your feet.

Contact Our Austin Personal Injury Lawyers Today for a Free Consultation

If you are injured due to a drunk driver’s conduct or if you have lost a relative as a result of such an accident, do not worry about the legal challenges of this situation. Get a skilled attorney involved in the matter so you do not have to navigate the legal maze on your own. Reach out to us today to schedule a no-cost consultation so we can review the facts of your drunk driving incident and craft a legal strategy suited to the nuances of your case. Call us now at 512-474-4487.


If you are injured in an accident in Austin, do not hesitate to contact Pastrana & García Law Firm.

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