Texas Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

Motorcycles are a popular form of transportation in Texas. As of 2021, there were over 343,000 motorcycles registered in the state. Motorcycles and cars have to follow similar road rules, with a few slight exceptions; however, not all drivers are safe to share the road with. Careless or negligent behavior by drivers in larger vehicles can lead to wrongful deaths or serious injuries that can last a lifetime.

Our Texas motorcycle accident lawyers at Pastrana & García Injury Law believe that motorcyclists are a high priority. They deserve to use the road as much as another vehicle, and injuries and accidents involving them need to be taken seriously. We’ve seen firsthand the devastation that can occur during a motorcycle accident. Our legal team is ready to help you file a personal injury claim if you’ve experienced a motorcycle accident.

How Dangerous Are Motorcycles?

Driving any vehicle comes with inherent risk. However, the danger for motorcycle riders increases. This danger stems from the size of a motorcycle versus the larger size of other vehicles; the impact between a 3000-pound vehicle and a 500-pound vehicle is significant.

The lack of protection motorcycles have due to being completely exposed also lends riders an increase for harmful consequences when compared to a driver of an enclosed vehicle whose frame can take some of the shock of an accident. As of 2024, motorcyclists are 28 times more likely to die from crashes than other drivers and receive injuries at four times the rate of other drivers. This means that thousands of motorcyclists are at greater risk than many of other vehicles.

These aren’t the only difficult statistics regarding motorcycles. Research tells us that deaths and injuries continue to be a huge issue for motorcyclists. From 2020 to 2021, motorcycle deaths rose by 8%. During that same year, motorcycle injuries increased by 5%. Other sobering statistics of motorcycle accidents, injuries, and deaths include:

  • Alcohol is involved in over a quarter of motorcyclist deaths
  • Speeding accounts for a third of motorcyclist deaths
  • Car accidents happen more often than motorcycle accidents, but motorcycle accidents are more likely to result in death
  • Deaths from motorcycle accidents have increased by 20% over the last ten years

Getting into a motorcycle accident can lead to devastating consequences, and it’s important to keep that in mind, whether you’re driving a motorcycle or another vehicle. Being aware of the changing conditions of the road in front of you, as well as the vehicles driving beside you, is essential.

How Common Are Motorcycle Accidents in Texas?

Motorcycle accidents continue to rise in Texas and have since 2020. In 2022, Texas experienced the following motorcycle crash statistics, totaling both helmet and non-helmet users:

  • 562 fatalities
  • 2,422 serious injuries
  • 3,148 minor injuries

In all, over 9,000 people in Texas (page 28) were injured or killed, equalling over 24 deaths or injuries each day for that year. In 2023, motorcycle injury numbers rose by 7%. This rising trend is extremely concerning and means that more and more people who ride motorcycles are in danger on the road.

Helmet Use and Motorcycle Accidents

There is sufficient evidence to claim that not requiring a helmet plays a part in the high rate of deaths and injuries from motorcycles. States where helmet use is mandatory suffer fewer deaths. This is both good and bad news; motorcycle deaths can be partially prevented with greater protective gear. Texas has a partial helmet mandate—those riders who are 21 and under MUST wear a helmet, while riders over 21 who have passed the motorcycle skills exam can opt out.

Types of Motorcycle Injuries

Because motorcyclists do not have the protection of a car’s frame when it comes to accidents, injuries tend to be more grievous. The length of time to heal from injuries can be extensive. Motorcycle injuries may include:

  • Concussions and or traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), including penetrative brain injuries
  • Neck, back, and spinal cord injuries
  • Abrasions and road rash
  • Broken or fractured bones, sometimes involving compound fractures
  • Damaged nerves
  • Burns or other scarring
  • Internal bleeding or ruptures
  • Psychological injuries, such as trauma or PTSD from the injuries or accident

These injuries can take months or years to heal—and some never will. Many injuries also affect the quality of life of the injured person.

Road Rash — Not as Simple as it Sounds

Road rash is the colloquial term for when a stretch of skin across a victim is scraped away from skidding across a surface. This is a condition commonly seen in those who opt not to wear thicker jackets or clothes when riding, but it can also occur when wearing those protective clothes—that’s how much damage this type of injury can cause. Skin grafts from unaffected areas of the body may be used to help heal this painful injury, but it is a long and difficult process.

Post-Accident Trauma: The Risks of Surgery

Many motorcycle accidents end up needing surgery of some kind, including skin grafts. Invasive and extensive surgeries come with their own set of complications. The risks of surgeries include:

  • Infection
  • Scarring
  • Chronic pain

There’s also the possibility that the surgically-assisted area will not regain regular function or capabilities. Because of the dramatic shift that an accident can take in your life, it’s essential to think about your future when filing a personal injury claim. This is where the Pastrana & García Injury Law legal team excels. Our compassion for you makes us fight harder to help you reclaim the compensation you’re owed for your injuries.

Types of Motorcycle Accidents We Handle

Our clients are made up of motorcyclists who have come to us looking for strong, dedicated lawyers who can win a settlement for them. We handle all types of motorcycle accidents.

  • If the driver of the vehicle who hit you was intoxicated, impaired, or distracted
  • If the driver of the vehicle who hit you was speeding
  • Whether the accident was a direct crash or another driver ran a motorcycle off the road
  • If accidents and injuries were caused by product liability

Even if you were partially responsible for an accident, as long as you were less than 51% responsible for the accident, you can file a personal injury claim.

When putting together your personal injury claim, our motorcycle accident lawyers make sure that we take the total amount that you’ll need for your current and future care into account. This means we will not only account for monetary expenses like medical bills, surgeries, and other treatments and physical therapy, but we will make sure that you are covered for:

  • Lost wages and future lost wages
  • Quality of life adjustments
  • Continuing medical treatment and future needs

Our team looks after our clients and makes sure that they’re taken care of, now and in the future. You can count on us to have your best interest in mind when we negotiate a settlement for your personal injury claim.

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents may be caused by a variety of events. When a motorcyclist gets into an accident with a car, the motorcycle is likely to receive more damage.

  • Driving while intoxicated is a huge cause of motorcycle accidents; whether the motorcyclist or another driver was driving drunk, being in a state that causes a lack of awareness can make it more difficult to judge distances or register when another vehicle is approaching.
  • Speeding can reduce the ability to react quickly to a dangerous situation.
  • Shorter trips (less than five minutes) are when most crashes happen because riders are operating in an area they recognize and may become complacent (page 8).
  • Changing lanes without properly assessing the situation makes for a dangerous situation.
  • Intersections are particularly dangerous; people who run yellow or red lights or turn on red where it is prohibited could cause serious damage.
  • Distracted driving, when a driver takes their attention away from the road to answer the phone, send a text, change the radio, talk to someone, or otherwise look elsewhere, makes it easier to miss dangerous developments.
  • While poor weather is not the main cause of motorcycle accidents, it can be a factor and accounts for over 100 deaths every year.

While precautions are put in place to decrease the risk of accidents and injuries, it’s up to individual drivers to take it upon themselves and make sure they’re making smart choices when driving.

Staying Safe on the Road

If you’re a motorcyclist, make sure you follow all the traffic laws carefully. To increase your safety, we recommend you:

  • Take and pass the motorcycle skills test
  • Wear protective gear, including goggles and a heavy jacket
  • Wear a DOT-compliant helmet
  • Never ride alongside another motorcycle in the same lane (lane splitting)
  • Get sufficient insurance for your motorcycle
  • Never weave between cars when on a motorcycle
  • Give parked cars more distance to avoid doors opening into your path
  • Always signal your intention to change lanes or turn
  • Look carefully for vehicles at intersections
  • Ensure your motorcycle maintenance is up to date

Best practices ensure that you’re using common sense and safe driving practices. Stay up to date on all registration, insurance, and operating changes.

Injured in a Motorcycle Accident? Contact Pastrana & García Injury Law Today

We are ready to take on your motorcycle personal injury claim case. We believe that, no matter what you’re riding, you should have representation. Our lawyers are here to help you win the compensation you deserve. As part of your team, we will fight for you to help create a better outcome from a devastating situation. Our offices are waiting for your call today at 512-474-4487. Or contact us online.

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